
Corporations and Foundations

Look into corporations and foundations in Panama. Data extracted from the Public Registry of Panama.


Resource usage in this category

Data and resources that you will find in Organizations


General information

General data such as folio, RUC, registration date, related members, capital, among others.


Documents downloads

Download public deeds and documents corresponding to articles of incorporation, minutes, entries and dockets of corporations and foundations.


Alerts activation

Automate the monitoring of a company or foundation and find out about its changes in the Public Registry, when it is part of a judicial process, the proponent in a public tender, if it has new imports/exports, registered trademarks, or operation permits.


Compliance Reports and Public Registry Reports

Generate compliance reports to evidence your research, along with automatic checks against sanctions lists. Also, generate reports from the Public Registry emulator regarding registry information.


CSV exports

Download in Excel the results of trademarks, court records, real estate, operation permits, imports/exports, and government payments related to the organization of your research.

Not familiar with some terms?

In our Help Center you will find a glossary with the terms in this category and their definitions.

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